
Hello September, Hello Mums

How is it already 10 days into September? 

Life has been crazy and busy recently, and the time has flown by in a blur of things to do and friends in need. Driving home from an errand the other week it hit me just how sad I was that I'd never gotten around to planting flowers this summer. The view from my normal chair on the porch was beautiful blue skies... and ugly pots of dry dirt.

 So I swung into my favorite garden center, and found to my delight that mums were half off.

So two lovely pots came home with me, and now my porch view is much improved. They are my favorite color of mums, burnt orange and deep red. And while chrysanthemums aren't the flowers that I list when I talk about my favorite flowers (lilacs, lilies, and orchids), they are absolutely one of my favorite ways to mark the transition of the summer season into the autumn.

Here's to better views and beautiful transitions.

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