Just like every year this one passed both in the blink of an eye, and took a few years to get through. The Winter Olympics were this year guys! How is that possible! We fit in so much, and Colorado (three years in) continues to be such an amazing place for us.
This year I experienced:
Concerts - 9! Plus 2 Musicals (Hamilton and Dear Evan Hansen), 1 Orchestra Performance, and a Christmas Show
Doula Clients - 1 birth, 1 due, many back up on call days
Framily Dinners - 6 since August
Hair Colors - too many to count! (this was the year I cut my hair!)
Planes Jumped Out Of - 2
SuperBowls the Eagles Won - 1!!
Tattoos - 3 new, 1 rejuvenated
Travel - 1 flight out East, 1 to Hawaii, 1 International flight (for me - Mexico), 5 new states (something like 20 states total)
Yoga - 100s of hours taught between 6 different classes, with one new studio; and my first regular private lessons
There is already so much to look forward to in 2019. We already have 3 friends set to visit! Stella will be out in January for skiing, my girl Elise is coming out to camp with me in May, and my Babwa will be here to hit up a concert with me, also in May!! Speaking of concerts, we already have tickets to 4 so far (P!nk in March, Walk Off the Earth in May, Nahko in June, and KISS in September); plus Potted Potter (a Harry Potter Musical) in March! Fingers crossed for Dispatch tickets soon. We already have tattoo appointments scheduled, and are going to get to redeem 2 jumps out of planes! There will be travel, of course, exact summer plans to be decided... but I'm looking at a trip to Texas for Spring Break in March, and maybe one up North at some point too.
What are you excited for in 2019?
Christmas Eve Gwen and I headed out to meet Trav at work. We all, along with two of Trav's coworkers, headed to get our nails done. A little early Christmas treat, for all of us.
Gwen developed a stomach ache that night, so while we did get to watch It's A Wonderful Life, we didn't get to take our traditional trip out to see lights. Santa came that night, after a little scare with the postal service, and some rough wake ups for Gwen because of that sore belly.
And Christmas morning, it was all worth it. Despite her wake ups, she was up, chipper and healthy at 7am (I could have used a nap!).
Harry Potter items, Legos, books, and games for Gwen. Tattoos, skydiving, Harry Potter items for Trav and I. He also got some yoga pants, and some of the amazing peanut butter from Hawaii.
While Christmas isn't about the stuff, it was nice to be spoiled. Especially will little things that are so up my alley (moon phases earrings, a bath bomb, steel straws, my own coat just like the one I've been stealing from Trav)!
And Daisy wasn't forgotten either. She got some new toys (which she promptly destroyed 😂), and some healthy treats. She needed a nap after that hard work.
We watched movies, played games, ate cinnamon rolls and chinese food (white rice and stomach soothing soup for Gwenie, just in case), and just had a really nice day together. I hope your holiday was full of cheer and love. Merry Christmas all!!
Friday night we celebrated Yule, the shortest day of the year, and the celebration of the rebirth of light.
Everything turned out beautifully and we had a really fun night! Pork shoulder, smash roasted garlic potatoes, nuts, apples and carrots, wassail/cider, and a log cake for dessert.
And candles, of course, to bring in the light. I hope your Winter Solstice was beautiful, and that the light comes pouring into your life!
More Holiday Happenings
The past few weeks have been so full. Lots of ordinary, lovely things, but with an extra dose of holiday happenings thrown in there. A few lovely dinners with friends (including one where it was requested I do makeup, ha!), including a cookie exchange with new babies in tow!
Gwen was so excited for babies! She especially loved holding little Mira.
And I love every minute of friend time, and baby time!
There was a visit with Santa... but not for the baby you might imagine...
Daisy wasn't sure what all the fuss was about with the guy in red, but she did enjoy interacting with the other puppies!
Last weekend we headed downtown for some lunch, a ride in a bike pedicab, and then a show:
Gwen was a little disappointed it wasn't exactly the same as the movie, but it was a fun evening anyway!
And they did sing the most important song!
Tonight we celebrate Yule, tomorrow we're heading downtown again to hear Handel's Messiah, and then next week we're at Christmas already! I can never believe how fast the season flies. So many fun things, so much to keep us busy, the days just race... quicker then I'm even ready for. I hope that your holiday season has been beautiful and merry.
Feasting on A New Tradition: A Mini Look at the Pagan Solstice and Equinox Celebrations
The changing of seasons provides such a feast for our
senses. The change over of colors, smells, sounds, and temperatures is a
reawakening! The grey, white, and brown colors of winter give rise to a riot of
pinks, purples, oranges, blues – and oh those greens! – in spring. The sound of
birds reawakening in the spring slowly fades as the rumble of summer
thunderstorms take over, which then becomes the crunch of autumn leaves under
foot. The lighter fare of summer gives way to richer, root veggie laden meals
during that change to autumn as well. Then we enjoy those final crisp days,
before winter comes in with its stinging cold yet again.
It seemed so natural to fall into these pagan celebrations
of Ostara (Spring Equinox), Litha (Midsummer, or the Summer Solstice), Mabon
(Autumn Equinox), and Yule (Winter Solstice); celebrations that shared roots
with my husband and I in the Celtic Pagans. While initially wary of what would
be required of him, my husband was won over by the fact that these celebrations
– like many of our favorite holidays – would culminate in a feast! My daughter
was happy to add any celebration to our calendar, but was especially excited
for the fun little rituals we would observe.
One of my own personal favorite holidays had always been
Thanksgiving. I loved this holiday centered around food, family, and coming
together – and the lack of focus on presents. However, distance from family had
made this particular celebration more difficult for me; full of reminders of
the who and what we no longer had nearby. Our four new celebrations held the
appeal of being present-free, and while open to any who wanted to join us,
being completely our own, needing us three alone to feel complete. We were
building these celebrations from scratch and could make them what we wanted.
With a year behind us, our second Mabon complete and
our second Yule fast approaching, it has been wonderful to see how we’ve been able
to make this idea of mine into a real tradition. Each new celebration a chance
to enjoy a feast in the literal sense, as well as a figurative one, embracing
the unique beauty of each season and the feast it provides for our sense. Colors,
tastes, sounds, and textures unique to the time of year are brought to the
forefront for this day; and we even take the time to dress in a way that
expresses those things. But the star, of course, is the feast at the end of the
That might mean a picnic for Ostara and Litha; a candlelit
tucking in for Mabon and Yule. We eat, we drink, we discuss what we are ready
for in the new season, and what we are leaving behind. If you’re looking for a
little information to start your own celebration of the solstice and equinox
holidays, then let me give a brief overview, while giving you encouragement to
find your own holiday to embrace with your family!
For each celebration, I start earlier in the day by throwing
open the windows, and smudging the house with sage. Each a little way to clean
out the old stale air and bring in new fresh energy.
Ostara is celebrated around March 21. We embrace the colors
of green and yellow, and the fresh spring flowers just starting to emerge. We
talk about what areas we want to find growth in, and what new projects we might
want to start. We do a house cleaning. We eat eggs and other light foods, often
in a picnic.

Mabon is celebrated around September 21. We embrace the
gorgeous gem colors of autumn: orange, red, brown, and purple. We display
cornucopias or gardening implements. The foods are harvest foods like corn, wheat
bread, apples, pomegranate, nuts, grapes, and wine. We give back by donating
food. We talk about what we are grateful for and preparing for the colder
months ahead. We do a house cleaning, like in the spring.
Yule is celebrated around December 21. We embrace the colors
red, green, and white; and display mistletoe, evergreen wreaths, and candles.
We talk about renewal, the year winding down, encouraging a peaceful planet,
and of family. We sing and maybe bundle up together. The foods are potatoes,
squash, nuts, apples, pork, and spiced wassail.
While the first Mabon was really all my doing, with each new
celebration, my daughter and husband became more and more involved in the
process. Realizing how much they enjoyed the celebrations, they wanted to be
more involved in the planning as well. They helped me design menu’s, find
decorations, and decide on activities.
I’m so grateful for the warmth these rituals have offered to
us. As well as the unique connection to nature and its cyclical nature, that
they deepen in me. My warmest wish is that you find the same for your family.
Private Yoga Classes
I've mentioned before that my teaching has really taken off over the past few months. New studios, new classes, plenty of subbing, and as of recently, regular private lessons. Private yoga lessons are my favorite. I love the energy of a nice full class, and in particular some of my regular classes... but there's just something so fulfilling about working either individually or with just a few people in a very personal way. Its more laid back, and there's more of a give-and-take. Best of all you can really customize the practice to the person's exactly level or needs. I love being able to pause what we're doing to discuss the importance of breath work, to talk about body positioning, or address a particular feeling in a pose.
Not to mention amusing situations like these (big ole Hallelujah shout out to clients with the same sense of humor as me):
All joking aside, I'm so grateful for the way my teaching keeps being able to grow and change, and I'm so grateful for amazing friends who become clients, and clients who become friends. If you are in the Denver area and looking for private yoga instruction (hatha or restorative!), shoot me an email or use my contact form to send me a message!
Not to mention amusing situations like these (big ole Hallelujah shout out to clients with the same sense of humor as me):
All joking aside, I'm so grateful for the way my teaching keeps being able to grow and change, and I'm so grateful for amazing friends who become clients, and clients who become friends. If you are in the Denver area and looking for private yoga instruction (hatha or restorative!), shoot me an email or use my contact form to send me a message!
Home Sweet Colorado
I was thinking back recently to the good (2), the bad (2), and the ugly of picking up and moving your family most of the way across the country. It was such a surreal time in our life. If you had asked me 10 years ago, even 5 years ago, if anywhere other then Pennsylvania would ever be home, truly home, I probably would have said no. I couldn't picture it, couldn't imagine ever loving a state as much as I did my home state.
I've always loved travel; visiting and learning about new places, exploring and experiencing areas that are different then my own is one of my favorite things in the world (just check out the travel tag to see that!). But having a home base is so important to me, and for 33 years that was PA.
It was only a few month ago, when we were on our Annual East Coast trip, when I realized that somewhere along the line, sometime during the past 1,000 days, Colorado had become more then just where we were living... it had become our home. A place that I loved just as fully, though differently, then my birth state of Pennsylvania. I love the mix of people from different places, the mix of cultures, love the outdoorsiness, the mountains, the altitude, and the weather. Most of all, I love the life that Colorado allowed us to build: the friends, the framily, the concerts and travel, the careers that we adore. This beautiful state is so much more then we could have known three years ago, when we packed up our house of 10 years and drove 1700 miles.
Two weeks ago we had a Framily dinner and I sat on the floor with my two besties, as we laughed about something (surely completely inappropriate 😈), and I was washed over with feels of such complete gratitude. I remember what it was like to feel stuck in my job, stuck in my life; and while life isn't perfect (no such thing!), this life that we've cultivated is so completely fulfilling and downright amazing.
Being a Native is a huge thing here, they have the bumper stickers to prove it. But I've seen another version recently that sums things up nicely: Not a Native, But I Got Here As Soon As I Could. Thanks for welcoming us home, Colorado.
These Are A Few of My Favorite Things: A Yogi Gift Guide
So my Christmas list this year is pretty short: I want to jump out of planes more, and I want more tattoos! Ha. Books are an old standby for me, as well. But I thought I would throw together a quick list with a few things that I really genuinely love, for those who might be looking for a suggestion for the loved ones in their lives, especially the yogis! Trust me when I say, I'd be thrilled to receive any of these items.
[Note: This is not a sponsored post, and no one in this post asked to be on it. These are just things that I honestly love! No monetary compensation was provided to me, this was a labor (and I mean labor) of love. I did however contact a number of the companies wondering about discount codes, and got some great responses! Enjoy!]
Jade Yoga Mats
The top thing any yogi needs is a good mat. For me in particular, good traction is my first priority! I don't want to be slipping and sliding on my mat (talk about a recipe for injury!). I've been a Jade devotee for years now. Their mats are some of the grippiest I've found, while also having the benefit of being made of natural rubber. Jade is an amazing company, with a real focus on giving back. The plant a tree for every mat sold, partner with community organizations, and are a US-based company with US-based production! I love them enough that I became an Ambassador!
I just recently bought my third Jade mat... though we still have the other two. When I was given my second (a gift), I passed my first on to Travis. He'll get my second one now to use as his mat, and my first we'll keep around as an extra to have for private classes!
YogaAccessories Round Bolster
I ordered this bolster from Amazon on impulse a few years ago to use with my private classes, and was super impressed with how nice it was. Perfect size, beautiful design (I got the navy embroidered one), and well priced. I ended up buying a few as gifts since then. Add it to your at home practice, especially for a little evening restorative.
[Use code boltmeegs for 20% off any of their amazing yoga bolsters (expires 12/3/19!).]
Athleta Yoga Pants with Pockets
Pants... with pockets! Yoga pants no less! Do I even need to say more?! I live in yoga pants most of the time, and its hard to find the perfect ones sometimes. I want them to be well made, thick enough that they don't become see-through in forward bends, and I'd like them to be stylish. I love these crops. They fit like a dream, and the side pockets are amazing.
Big enough to fit my phone, they let me quickly get out the door to my classes, and head straight to my errands after that. Check them out!
Perfect Boots
I can't tell you how long I looked for just the right boot. Some weren't comfortable, some looked cheap, but these are perfection. Steven Madden, so you know they're well made, they are also gorgeous and comfortable.
Tip... you can find them on Amazon cheaper!
Coconut Milk Exfoliating Body Scrub
A random Amazon find, this scrub is amazing and I buy it over and over. Colorado late autumn into winter weather, with cold and low humidity has made my skin a dry mess. But this scrub removes the dead stuff and leaves my skin feeling so smooth and hydrated. My heels especially are so thankful for it! Its perfect for pre-shaving, and infused with some really amazing stuff: coconut milk, dead sea salt, vitamin e, lots of great oils. And that's about it... no sulfates or parabens or other skin irritating ingredients. Bonus, it smells really nice!
[Get 30% off of the Coconut Milk Body Scrub on their website and Amazon through 12/24/18 with code 30GiftGuide. Plus, receive free shipping on orders of $30 or more.]
Moringa Infusions
A Denver-based company, I found this at my local Farmer's Market. Moringa is an amazing super food that I discovered when looking for things to help keep my cholesterol where it should be. Here's the thing though... moringa on its own can taste a bit like hay. This amazing drink though infuses apple cider vinegar with the goodness of raw local honey and moringa, then with a different combination of herbs. My favorite is the Spearmint-Rosemary, which I'll mix with sparkling water or club soda for a healing, damn good afternoon treat. Its also amazing drizzled over vanilla ice cream, or you can just take it like a shot!
They were so kind to provide me with a Gift of Health Box... which includes one small sized bottle of the 3 different flavors, a pint glass, a shot style measuring glass, and a long handled spoon for mixing. I already had 2 large bottles of my favorite flavor in the fridge, but I love having the other flavors around as well.
[Use code NEWDAY7 for $7 off a gift of health box like I received or NEWDAY10 to take 10% off any bottles! Plus free shipping when you order 2 or more bottles. Code expires 12/15/18, which is the last day to order to receive by Christmas.]
Jade Leaf Matcha
I've talked about my love for Jade before, but I will again. Matcha is such an amazing drink, full of antioxidants, and a gentler caffeine then in coffee. Its my absolute favorite way to start the morning, and Jade Leaf is my favorite matcha. Super high quality, with less bitterness then other brands. Drink it the traditional way prepared just with hot water and a bamboo whisk, have it as a latte (my favorite way to drink it) - hot or cold, or blend it into a smoothie.
[Use code TATTOOEDMEEGS to get 25% off orders on their website through the end of the year!]
Bubba Travel Mug with TasteGaurd
If you want to take that matcha on the go, you need a good mug to do it in. I was looking around forever, and thought that what I wanted wasn't available... then I found Bubba! I wanted the double walled, keep drinks hot for hours, stainless steel mug; but I found that I hated the taste stainless steel added to my drinks. Ceramic was my choice, but it doesn't generally keep drinks warm for long. This is the perfect combination. The double walled mug keeps things hot, but the "taste guard" made with ceramic keeps things tasting exactly like they did when you made them. Its dishwasher safe (a must!), and I ended up getting one for both Travis and I. Perfect for these freezing mornings.
[Get 20% Off Sitewide with code BUBBA20, and free shipping on all orders above $25.]
Coconut Peanut Butter
Last, but definitely not least: a random find from our trip to Oahu. My newest project is cleaning up our peanut butter. So many peanut butters contain sugar and palm oil, two ingredients I'm really trying to cut out (for health and environmental reasons). The thing is, peanut butter doesn't need either of those to be good! In fact, this peanut butter is the best I've ever tasted, and it contains only two ingredients: peanuts and coconut! Its expensive, especially when you add in shipping, but it is worth the cost. The taste is out of this world, and I don't feel bad about eating it. Super low in sugar, low in sodium, great protein. Buy this for an amazing treat, and be forever changed!
[From now until 12/15 receive 15% off your order with coupon code 12days.]
Happy Holidays, and happy giving!!
[Note: This is not a sponsored post, and no one in this post asked to be on it. These are just things that I honestly love! No monetary compensation was provided to me, this was a labor (and I mean labor) of love. I did however contact a number of the companies wondering about discount codes, and got some great responses! Enjoy!]
Jade Yoga Mats
The top thing any yogi needs is a good mat. For me in particular, good traction is my first priority! I don't want to be slipping and sliding on my mat (talk about a recipe for injury!). I've been a Jade devotee for years now. Their mats are some of the grippiest I've found, while also having the benefit of being made of natural rubber. Jade is an amazing company, with a real focus on giving back. The plant a tree for every mat sold, partner with community organizations, and are a US-based company with US-based production! I love them enough that I became an Ambassador!
I just recently bought my third Jade mat... though we still have the other two. When I was given my second (a gift), I passed my first on to Travis. He'll get my second one now to use as his mat, and my first we'll keep around as an extra to have for private classes!
YogaAccessories Round Bolster
I ordered this bolster from Amazon on impulse a few years ago to use with my private classes, and was super impressed with how nice it was. Perfect size, beautiful design (I got the navy embroidered one), and well priced. I ended up buying a few as gifts since then. Add it to your at home practice, especially for a little evening restorative.
[Use code boltmeegs for 20% off any of their amazing yoga bolsters (expires 12/3/19!).]
Athleta Yoga Pants with Pockets
Pants... with pockets! Yoga pants no less! Do I even need to say more?! I live in yoga pants most of the time, and its hard to find the perfect ones sometimes. I want them to be well made, thick enough that they don't become see-through in forward bends, and I'd like them to be stylish. I love these crops. They fit like a dream, and the side pockets are amazing.
Big enough to fit my phone, they let me quickly get out the door to my classes, and head straight to my errands after that. Check them out!
Perfect Boots
I can't tell you how long I looked for just the right boot. Some weren't comfortable, some looked cheap, but these are perfection. Steven Madden, so you know they're well made, they are also gorgeous and comfortable.
Tip... you can find them on Amazon cheaper!
Coconut Milk Exfoliating Body Scrub
A random Amazon find, this scrub is amazing and I buy it over and over. Colorado late autumn into winter weather, with cold and low humidity has made my skin a dry mess. But this scrub removes the dead stuff and leaves my skin feeling so smooth and hydrated. My heels especially are so thankful for it! Its perfect for pre-shaving, and infused with some really amazing stuff: coconut milk, dead sea salt, vitamin e, lots of great oils. And that's about it... no sulfates or parabens or other skin irritating ingredients. Bonus, it smells really nice!
[Get 30% off of the Coconut Milk Body Scrub on their website and Amazon through 12/24/18 with code 30GiftGuide. Plus, receive free shipping on orders of $30 or more.]
Moringa Infusions
A Denver-based company, I found this at my local Farmer's Market. Moringa is an amazing super food that I discovered when looking for things to help keep my cholesterol where it should be. Here's the thing though... moringa on its own can taste a bit like hay. This amazing drink though infuses apple cider vinegar with the goodness of raw local honey and moringa, then with a different combination of herbs. My favorite is the Spearmint-Rosemary, which I'll mix with sparkling water or club soda for a healing, damn good afternoon treat. Its also amazing drizzled over vanilla ice cream, or you can just take it like a shot!
They were so kind to provide me with a Gift of Health Box... which includes one small sized bottle of the 3 different flavors, a pint glass, a shot style measuring glass, and a long handled spoon for mixing. I already had 2 large bottles of my favorite flavor in the fridge, but I love having the other flavors around as well.
[Use code NEWDAY7 for $7 off a gift of health box like I received or NEWDAY10 to take 10% off any bottles! Plus free shipping when you order 2 or more bottles. Code expires 12/15/18, which is the last day to order to receive by Christmas.]
Jade Leaf Matcha
I've talked about my love for Jade before, but I will again. Matcha is such an amazing drink, full of antioxidants, and a gentler caffeine then in coffee. Its my absolute favorite way to start the morning, and Jade Leaf is my favorite matcha. Super high quality, with less bitterness then other brands. Drink it the traditional way prepared just with hot water and a bamboo whisk, have it as a latte (my favorite way to drink it) - hot or cold, or blend it into a smoothie.
[Use code TATTOOEDMEEGS to get 25% off orders on their website through the end of the year!]
Bubba Travel Mug with TasteGaurd
If you want to take that matcha on the go, you need a good mug to do it in. I was looking around forever, and thought that what I wanted wasn't available... then I found Bubba! I wanted the double walled, keep drinks hot for hours, stainless steel mug; but I found that I hated the taste stainless steel added to my drinks. Ceramic was my choice, but it doesn't generally keep drinks warm for long. This is the perfect combination. The double walled mug keeps things hot, but the "taste guard" made with ceramic keeps things tasting exactly like they did when you made them. Its dishwasher safe (a must!), and I ended up getting one for both Travis and I. Perfect for these freezing mornings.
[Get 20% Off Sitewide with code BUBBA20, and free shipping on all orders above $25.]
Coconut Peanut Butter
Last, but definitely not least: a random find from our trip to Oahu. My newest project is cleaning up our peanut butter. So many peanut butters contain sugar and palm oil, two ingredients I'm really trying to cut out (for health and environmental reasons). The thing is, peanut butter doesn't need either of those to be good! In fact, this peanut butter is the best I've ever tasted, and it contains only two ingredients: peanuts and coconut! Its expensive, especially when you add in shipping, but it is worth the cost. The taste is out of this world, and I don't feel bad about eating it. Super low in sugar, low in sodium, great protein. Buy this for an amazing treat, and be forever changed!
[From now until 12/15 receive 15% off your order with coupon code 12days.]
Happy Holidays, and happy giving!!
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