sleepy sleepy
BUT last night was great and definitely worth the slow start today. Last night I got together with a friend of mine from high school, Vadim. We haven't seen each other since the summer following my freshman year of college, so it had been quite a while. But we had a great time! We spent a leisurely two hour dinner catching up and talking about what we were doing now. It was a lot of fun and we plan to do it again in a few weeks with our significant others in tow.
The restaurant was great too! We went to a place called 1225 Raw... we loved it. Great place (small, but funky - great decor), awesome food, good service, and the price was not bad. We each paid $40, but the actual bill price was $68... and about $20 of that was our (two) drinks. So not bad at all, especially to be completely stuffed afterwards.
We started off splitting the rock shrimp tempura plate which was amazing and bigger then I thought. I had miso soup, a salmon avacado roll, and some mut-su sushi (a white tuna, so good). He had one of their special rolls, which was HUGE! and delish. I'm a big sushi eater, it's my favorite kind of food... but that really filled me up (which is good). Plus, just a nice atmosphere. I highly recommend it.
Other news, that antibotic I'm taking has started making me nauseous... I'm supposed to take it definitely without dairy, but also without food if possible. For the first week or so after I took it, no problems. I'd take it with a glass of water before I left in the morning (around 8) and eat something when I got to work (around 9). Now I'm not even off the train before I start feeling barfy. No fun. Only about two more weeks until I'm done... hopefully I won't yack on the train before it's over. Wish me luck.
In nicer news, I am definitely in the holiday spirit! Cards are almost done (actually waiting to get ten more in the mail because we were short!), and I'm just feeling that warm loveliness that comes with the season. It makes me appreciate my fellow man a lot more... and hopefully it will give me a bit of energy/drive to dig out some Christmas decorations this weekend. It definitely helps that I just got a call from the scholar I was doing work for, and I will have a hand delivered check tomorrow! Perfect timing to pay off the Christmas gifts credit card payment. Now that is Christmas spirit worthy!!
Okay, back to work! Ciao!
First off, glad to get some positive feedback on the new banner... I'm considering changing all the rest of the colors (background, etc.) too, but damn does that involve a lot of messing around that I don't have the time/energy for at the moment. Changing the background involves changing two panel colors, which then means messing with the text colors to make sure its readable, and the link colors, and the text title and side bar title colors, plus date and time stamps, entry seperator symbols, and tag colors. So, perhaps more changes in the near future... as time and patience allows!
Thanksgiving was great. Very nice trip up to my parent's with great food, and of course, fun with the family. We stuck with tradition and watched "Miracle on 34th St."... it starts with the Thanksgiving Day parade, so we always watch it on Thanksgiving, to kick off the season. I know it drives Trav a little crazy, he thinks its way too early for Christmas movies, but I love starting the season off early. It gives me the warm fuzzies... ;-)
I also asked my mom if she could write out a "Thankgiving prep schedule" for me, listing everything she does to get ready for the day. From when she moves the turkey from freezer to fridge, to when she makes the pies, and when she starts the gravy. Everything. She has it down to such a science, why mess with perfection? I figure eventually Trav and I will want to host a meal or two ourselves, and I'd like to have a set game plan... Maybe even next year?
Friday morning, Trav was up at 3:30a.m. to head to the Game Stop, where he stood in line for the chance at getting a Wii. Luckily, he was successful! So much of the rest of our weekend was spent alternating between chores and playing on the Wii. My mom, brother, and I joined Trav for some more shopping a bit later in the day (around 10ish)... we headed to Barnes & Nobles (I got a book and a present for my dad, my mom got stuff for all of us), Sears (another present for my dad), Kohl's (my mom and brother took care of me), and Walmart (a milkshake from their McD's... hey, I was hungry!). That night after headed back to our place, Trav and I also hit up the Best Buy (mp3 player for me), Target (baby shower gifts), and grocery store. A very successful day I would say!
Saturday and Sunday were much lazier. Lots of chores, Wii playing, and relaxing. I did a 4.3mile walk on Saturday which was nice. I also got most of our Christmas cards addressed and written out. I just have to weigh them, buy postage, and stamp them. Then we can send them out. Sunday I had a babyshower to head to for Trav's cousin. The only time the whole weekend I remembered to take pictures, was at the babyshower... and they are just some shots of the mom opening presents (so I won't even post). All in all though, a great four-day weekend.
The Eagles game offered a pleseant finish as well. Even though we lost, I'm sure all Eagles fans are with me on saying that the game was a DAMN good showing!! We really gave New England a run for their money! Something only one other team has really done this year. Hopefully this is a turn around for us (I know, talk about too little too late... but I'll take what I can get). I honestly wouldn't be upset if McNabb had to sit out another game or two. I would love Feeley to have more opportunity to prove himself. Plus they whole team seemed to really step it up with him at the helm. Hopefully we'll play consistantly at this level for the rest of the year.
Well, so much work to get done today... so I should get back to the grind.
new banner...
thoughts? suggestion?
ps. real post below
tuesday tuesday?
First, feeling about 99% again! Which is great. No more hacking up a lung all the time, although I'm still coughing some in the morning. Sleep has been easier, and I just feel so much better overall. I think my body is appreciating the slower pace.
Thursday, the Annual Dinner went well. Everything on our side went smoothly, the Westin was amazing as always, and even though the speaker wasn't the best, it was still good. I have awesome coworkers too, which always helps.... and we had fun having a celebratory drink at the bar, post-dinner (sorry, low res pictures, I only had my old camera with me).
The biggest downside for me was the fact that my new shoes broke me in instead of the other was around. My left little toe is still blister-covered.
Friday I got to sleep in some which was also good! The weekend, and Lehigh/Lafayette was a lot of fun... waking up at the crack of dawn on Saturday to drive up, not so much... but it was great to see everyone. Trav and Pat left after the game (we lost at the last moment, very disappointing) to head to Jersey, they stayed the night there before heading to the Steeler's game on Sunday (bummer of a loss on that one too!).
Lehigh is beautiful this time of year!!
I hung out at Psi U for a while, then McGrady's (a bar, one of my old "haunts") which was a lot of fun with Slink Ed & Bo, then left and headed down to Ro & Pat's, to hang out with Ro. We saw License to Wed (pretty funny, but I was unsure of it the whole time... the ending redeems it a bit), drank Pina Colladas, and talked. We woke up on Sunday to no power, but it was back pretty quickly. We headed out to my place next so I could change clothes, then to brunch, then did the 5-mile trail in Riddley Creek State Park. It was nice to walk again after so long of not having the time to do it! And I felt good doing it too... which was a nice change after how weak I got while sick (out of breath after walking two blocks, horrific). Hopefully we'll walk this weekend too.
This is is moving a bit slowly, but since it's only a three-day week... I can deal!! I can't wait for Thanksgiving... one of my favorite holidays. Lots of food and family, a great combo. Plus a four day weekend. But for now, back to work!
beautiful, open, genuine
sometimes sunshine and rainbows
sometimes storms and rain and howling
pink and grey, comfort and strength
ultimately, breakably human.
Real post later... have a great weekend.
14hr day
Went to the dermatologist yesterday and got some heavy-duty antibotics and some face creams that she thinks will help my face clear up. Looked up the antibotics, apparently they are also used to treat malaria!! Awesome... I can check malaria off my list of worries for the next two weeks!
Finished my work project last night (hallelujah!), and if I make it through today's 14hr day, I'm home free. :-) Woo! Wish me luck I don't break my ankle in the process!
*scratch scratch scratch*
In any case, I'm tired and itchy... but my extra outside-work project is almost done, and our work's big annual dinner is almost here. This weekend will be relief of the utmost. Imbibing too... it's Lehigh/Lafayette time again.
Well, I need to eat and get back to work... but back later this week. Ciao!
Got my hair done on Saturday. Woot! About time, much needed... the hair was too light after I tried to use some Color Opps to remove the red in an attempt to get things closer to my natural color. Instead I ended up with this weird, slightly orangish brown color (like so, but it was much worse in person). I'm wondering if that's why people kept telling me I looked pale. In any case! I saw my hair dresser who mixed me up a color that I am very happy with and that we think is very close to my natural color:

I also saw my parents, wished my brother luck with his play that night, and headed home to cook some yummy Baked Mac & Cheese, then work my ass off on my stupid work project. Still not done, but almost there. Grr.
I also ordered our Christmas cards... we're doing picture ones for the first time this year and I'm really excited about it. I'm sick of boring dollar store holiday cards. I downloaded a free trial of Adobe Photoshop to play around with and came up with a design. When all was said and done I was pretty proud of them, so I showed them to Trav to get some imput before actually ordering anything. My much anticipated responce, "Nice, just don't spend too much." Thanks babe, really.
BUT cards are ordered!
So now on to the post I was actually meaning to write. Lately I've been thinking a lot about the past, and about what makes us all who we are. My mom's parents both passed (under very different circumstances) when I was in high school. My gramps was writing out stories of his youth before he went. I never felt closer to him then when I was reading those stories... but after he passed, they were packed away and forgotten about, until now.
Lately my uncle has been sending emails to the family with stories from his childhood... fun stories that reveal parts of his parents (my grandparents) that we might not have seen on a day to day basis. They reminded me of my gramps' stories, so I asked my mom to dig them up again. I'm interested in rereading them, maybe finding something in them that I didn't get the first time around, or wasn't ready to see as a slightly depressed 17 year old.

Gramps' shadow as he takes the shot.
I love this picture... my gram is so young and beautiful.
My grandparent's grew up in a tough time... the depression, the war. In some ways, they had to be greatful for the war, because that's where they found each other. My gram treated my gramps when he got malaria. They had an amazing love, raised four beautiful kids together, and it was her death that killed him.
From a piece entitled Eddie (my gram):
By Christmas time I was doing well and then I realized I was totally in love with this girl and asked her if she would go to dinner with me. She said she was going to visit her aunt and uncle for Christmas in Los Angeles and I was really devastated. Then she said, “would like to go with me”. My life began and I would never be the same.
When we returned to the hospital we went out every night, sometimes off the base and sometimes we just walked and made stops at the slop-shut (a navy word for a place to sit and have a beer ). After two weeks we were totally in love and I asked her to marry me.
When we got to our room that night after our wedding Eddie said to me, Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when we practice to deceive. The only reply I could think of was, The optimist fell ten stories, and at each window bar, shouted, all right so far. All through our lives we used those verses to say to each other, remember our promise.
I can't wait to spend some more time with the young man that became my grandpa.
Do you have something that links you to the past?
(More to come, I'm sure.)
getting there
This morning I was waiting for the train and I could see my breath steaming up the air. I can't believe that it is so cold already. The leaves aren't even all changed or off the trees. I feel like I got jipped of fall this year. Like it was warm too long, and then it got too cold, too fast. Maybe I was just too busy and didn't really get to notice fall. That's a sad thought.

In a bit of randomness... I've been trying to comment a lot more on other blogs. It's funny, because I know I wish people would comment more here. People that say, "oh hey, I was reading your blog and heard about blah blah blah blah" (*mumble, mumble* StaceyEspoPat *mumble, mumble*)... but how can I really say anything if I don't practice what I preach. So, more comments all around! Sprinkled liberally like salt and pepper. Spice everything up a bit. I already apparently caused a bit of unintended controversy on one blog I read, but boy did I get you a lot of comments Donkey!! No?!
Also, I like to let people know that I'm there and reading... because honestly, daily post or not, I have my routine and check everyone's blogs first thing in the morning. It's better then a cup of coffee... and so the more you post, the better for me.
Stella for instance... I'm so glad she's back and posting. I think she's a bright, insightful poster. I do admit that I fall into the "i read her blog so I know what's up in her life and feel connected" trap (sorry lady...), but I just love to read what she has to say, and I'm bad when it comes to the picking up and calling thing (does anyone else hate the phone sometimes?). But she inspires me plenty (nyc personalities post for ex.)... indirect inspiration, but I think I'm going to feel out the boss man for some blue hair. What can I say, I like wearing my crazy on the outside. Will have to think on this more because of the possible job searching et al., but the idea is planted.
Now I have to get back to my busy day... but this felt very nice.
Most of us try to keep it hidden under our skin
Crazy has a way of crawlin out into the open
No matter how you try to keep it in..."
-- Chasing Elvis "Looking for Elvis"
still whispering
Now, as promised... my Babwa in Indy:

I really had such a great time.
Oh another note, only 54 days left in 2007... which means only 48 days left until Christmas!! Wowza! (I will take this or this please. Fabu.) Normally I would have started shopping already, but with all the happenings, I can't even believe it is Novemeber. As soon as my extra work project ends, the shopping will start. I do love this time of year.
Back to work for me... ciao!
5 years ago today

So this is the first time i am trying this... typing out what i feel to share with the world, or at least my own small corner of it. Sometimes i get so frustrated being boggled down by money and school issues. I feel like that's all i focus on anymore. So this will be my place to get those feelings out, and hopefully get a weight off my chest in the process! Not that i'm hoping this is going to change my whole life in the process... although i feel like that wouldn't be a bad thing if it did. Do you ever feel like just picking up and moving on? "Okay, that's enough of this stage of my life... on to the next." Sometimes i just want to be graduated, working in a real job... not worrying about financial aid and homework and projects. I want to be married and not have to wake up knowing that the man i love is waking up somewhere else. I want to wake up and have enough time to make a big cup of hot chocolate, and read a chapter in my favorite book... and not wake up exhausted because i stayed up until 3am to finish a project or to study. I want my hard work to be rewarded with finished projects that make me proud of my work, and not with mediocre tests and unsympathetic teachers! i want to be able to see my friends, and not have such busy scheduals that i can't even arrange a quicky visit to say hi. i guess i want a lot of things right now...
Five years ago today I wrote that post... my first foray into the blogging world. Boy does time fly. I wasn't here yet (first there was easyjournal, then blogger), but I made the wise, if time consuming move to transfer all my posts to blogger when I came over. It's nice to still have them and be able to see how much I have changed!
I'm so glad that I started up with blogging all those years ago. Readers or not, this is a great outlet and I cherish being able to look back and have my own written recollections of my college days, and on. And I'm sure that feeling will only grow in the coming years.
So... Happy 5 years to A New Day!!!!
In other news, I do have pictures, etc to share but will do that tomorrow... I want to give this post its due. ;-)
::whispers:: ugh
And I'm hungry, but don't know what to/don't want to eat. I need new "I'm sick comfort me food" because more soup, really?!
In non-complaining news, my weekend in Indy was WONDERFUL! Seeing Babs was great... it's been almost a year, which is way way way too long. My flight out was uneventful, and even though my Babs and her boy-toy got a bit turned around on their way to the airport, I didn't mind the wait. It was worth it as referenced by the fact that we were up until 3am gabbing. Saturday was lazy... was watched the Butterfly Effect (sad, but good) and talked more... then finally got our of our PJs around 2 when we got ready for the dinner that night. The Vision Dinner was great (huge dinner for her work to show what they've been doing all year in the musical ministry)... and I loved meeting all her friends and having faces to put with the names. After that we headed to a bar for a quick drink before heading home. Sunday we met up with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin for brunch and relaxed with them for a little before heading back to Babs and chilling with the boy. The whole weekend went way too fast, and before I knew it I was on a plane back home. But of course, it was great to be back with Trav.
I do have pictures, but didn't get the chance to upload them yesterday. I was too tired and it was too late. Tonight though I promise, while I'm working my ass off on my project. Due this week and so not done. Urgh. Wish me luck.
In the meantime, any remedies for sore throat and no voice?
TGIF... sick-like
But I don't care that I still feel sick today. I don't care that I am tired, and still coughing, and am apparently a lovely whiter shade of pale... because today I am going to see my Babs! Yay! This weekend should be great. Besides getting to see my girl for the first time in ages, I get to meet her boy for the first time, see her new place and new kittie, and see my Uncle and Aunt that live in Indy. Plus my cousin, who is expecting. Good times.
In all seriousness, the feeling like crap thing sucks... but I'm not going to sit around and mope about it. I have been taking my Dayquil, sucking on Vicks drops, and I'm going to pick up some Airbourne before heading to my plane. I should be good. And work is plenty busy, so the day should fly. Hopefully, come monday I'll have some lovely, non-pale pictures to share with you.
Have a great weekend all.
as promised...
I'm home sick today, but a promise is a promise:

So that last one was totally random, but I took it in a park by the river (only a few blocks from Lauren's) on Sunday. Beautiful city.
So as I mentioned, I'm home sick today, dealing with what I hope is just a bad cold... this cough just won't leave me alone and it's keeping me up all night. I'm so lucky to have a loving and forgiving husband because I know my coughing is keeping him up to and were the tables turned, I'm sure I would be getting annoyed at this point. Sorry Sweetie!!
It was really bad last night though, and my throat is so raw this morning that it hurts to drink milk (seriously, milk!)... so I'm glad I stayed home. I hope I can get a bit better by this weekend when I'm going to see my Babs for the first time since Christmas. Way. Too. Long. Sick is not in the schedule at the moment.
But anyway, I'm off to eat some soup, drink some tea, and work my ass off on this stupid extra project. Bah.