It's August.
Wait, it's August?! I... well, huh. That's just nuts. Especially since this month is so full that its just going to fly by. Seriously.

Before looking ahead, lets look back at the weekend, though. Friday: I had off with Gwen. We were going to go to the zoo by my
parents place, but they were calling for rain and I didn't want to make the drive, only to have to leave. We ended up going to Linvilla Orchards to play on their playground and feed the farm animals. Off course we had to have apple cider donuts, too. It was a big hit and we had a really good day there.
Saturday: I did my state park clean up in the morning, which was fun, but exhausting. Lots of walking carrying heavy tools. I came home and showered, made myself some lunch, then ate it in the car while we drove to the city to pick up some stuff I wanted to bring home from my office, but didn't want to carry on the train.
We got home and spent a ton of time cleaning and decluttering. Trav has made such amazing headway on the basement!! Oh gosh, that basement. It was so so so full of stuff. Some things that we need and are saving, but so much stuff that just accumulated there. This whole really deciding to move thing that kicked his ass into high gear and he's been a champ
about finally getting rid of things that he's been holding onto forever, but doesn't really need. Its amazing. We also pulled out 3 boxes of books to sell at the yard sale we're having at the end of the summer. That plus baby gear, plus some clothes, plus some pieces of furniture we inherited, and we already have a good amount. There's more in the
basement still to unearth too.

Sunday: The realtor came over in the morning to look at our house, tell us what we need to do to sell, and talk about comps. After a lot of discussion, the idea to rent our house for a few years before selling has been planted in our heads. We're looking into that. In the meantime, he's sending us houses to look at because we are definitely still moving forward with buying.
That afternoon we headed to Ro and Pat's place and just hung out for a few hours. It was nice.
Overall, a busy, but good weekend!
Now its back to work and busy weeks. There is so much coming up this month. Its the big push month for my class, and I have two outside classes/meetings I have to get to in order to satisfy some requirements. We also have my birthday and a visit from Babs, a wedding, a visit to my parents, then Cape Cod. After that it is September already!
So much. Thankfully all pretty exciting things!
What are you looking forward to in August?