
But the Good News Is...

I feel like I've been writing a lot lately about all the fun stuff that we've been up to, and showing a lot of what has been happening with me and yoga. All of that is true. But there are definitely days of frustration.

There are days when I look at the same counter that I've cleaned off 100 times before, and there are a dozen other things to do, but here I am cleaning that same counter. Days when Gwen is cranky, and I'm patient for the first 20 snappish remarks, but then I am cranky too. Days when I realized that I messed up some plans, and just feel so frustrated with myself. Days when I think I've done all I need to do, only to remember 5 more things as soon as I lay in bed.

Gwen returned to school last Tuesday. We have had some really amazing times during her break, but I'm not going to lie, its always a bit of a relief when she goes back. Its a little disheartening when her breaks sometimes feel like daily reminders of why I'm not meant to be a stay-at-home-mom, but I remind myself that we truly love time together... 3-weeks is a long time though for a sweet 6 year old who thrives in school and during time spent with friends her age, and a Mama who needs her yoga time.

That is definitely a big part. Its hard when I can't get to yoga as regularly, I feel it in my body, mind and soul. I do my best to have a healthy home practice... but that definitely isn't the same with Gwen in tow (in both good and bad ways).

But the good news is... I am much more surprised by the not so good days. We've settled into such a rhythm here and I'm doing so many wonderful things to support my mental health, that the bad days are few and far between. I am so happy that we are well into Spring. The warmer months bring so much that I love: outdoor time and travel, especially.

There are always going to be normal life frustrations, but overall, things really are good.

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