
dispatches from home

21.5 weeks and ready for my mat!
I'm working from home today and heading to the yoga studio tonight. I haven't been to this studio in about a month (because of how weird my August was with days off), and I'm so excited to see everyone.

I'm interested too, to see how my practice will have changed in the past week. Already now, my savasana is either spent on my side, or propped on bolsters; my floor work on my stomach is still okay with two carefully spaced thick folded blankets (one under my chest/shoulders, one under my hips/thighs, leaving room in the middle for the belly to hang!), but I'm not sure for how much longer; floor work on my back is okay, as long as I'm not laying flat. I'll have more time for yoga at home now that my Lactation Counselor Educator class is ending, but for the past month its been an interesting exercise in adaptability each week when I hit my mat in class. I'm still loving it though.

I'm 21.5 weeks and feeling good. I'm noticeably pregnant now, but not so big that its getting in my way. A good place to be. My nausea is gone, but the heartburn has started in earnest. Not everyday yet, but often enough. I've been sleeping pretty well, and am not so tired anymore. I'm using the body pillow full-time, I absolutely need it to get and stay comfortable. I miss laying on my back to sleep! The baby is good, and moving all the time. That's one of my favorite parts, is feeling the movement. We told Gwen about the pregnancy/surrogacy and she took it so well. I'll write more about that another time though, because it feel like it deserves its own post.

And I guess that is where I am today, on this random Thursday!

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