As for my weekend... well it was great! Busy, but a lot of fun.
Saturday started off early... for a hair appointment. Just the normal stuff, color and a trim... although I'm thinking of going for something more dramatic next time. Like a real cut. Up to just above the shoulders. Thoughts? No really, thoughts?
After that, it was over to my parents for some lunch and hanging out with my bro.

Then I headed to Laura's and stayed for dinner with her and the kids. She had painted the kids' bedrooms to prepare them for the move. She's still not happy about moving and having trouble getting the drive to find all the info she needs on the schools up there. Anyone know anything about Boston area schools? Again, really... if you have any imput, let me know! It's extra hard to look from so hard away, when a lot of the districts won't talk to you until you have an address there, and with the added "difficulty" of needing to tailor her search to include services for children that have special needs. I can see why she is frustrated.
When I headed home, I found that Trav had been a busy boy indeed while I was gone:
No more ugly wallpaper!!
Trav had spent all day armed with a wallpaper steamer and a razor, getting all the paper and glue off. Then washed the walls down twice. (I did the taping... :-) Just had to get that in there.)
Then all day Sunday we painted. Two coats of primer and two coats of paint later... we have this!
A lovely blue-gray color (plus a window that's actually white)! I love it. Less then two weeks and the bathroom guys will be coming to do our shower. I can't wait to see how it all looks together!
Today (Monday), I had off for President's Day. So I took care of some small stuff... dishes, a few touch ups in the bathroom (along the tape lines), some groceries, and cleaning the shower curtains. Also, plenty of that lazy stuff too. :-)
I also snapped some pictures of Travis' Valentine's Day present hanging in it's new spot on our bedroom wall.
And a close up: Look familiar? This... found here. It's something different, something fun... and most importantly, Trav loves it. It's by a great artist I found named Angi Grow. Her stuff is so edgy and just plain great. Honestly, as soon as I saw her stuff, I knew I wanted her to do a painting for me. As soon as her site is up I will link it here.
Well, it's about time for me to get to bed. I have to drag my butt into work tomorrow. But I promise to be back sooner rather then later (probably Wednesday... I think this is coming late enough to count as a Tuesday post!! Lol).
i looooove your current hair color!