Back in March, Trav was scouting out some airline trips and realized that there were some really inexpensive, non-stop flights to Philly in May. It was just too good to pass up, and that's how I ended up heading to the airport on Thursday the 12th, after Yoga Teacher Training to grab my first red-eye.

I'm not going to lie, it was a bit exhausting sleeping for a interrupted 1-hour over the course of 3 hours on a plane, but it was made easier by being greeted at the airport by our amazing PA neighbor, Joe! Not only did he pick me up, but he let me borrow a car for the weekend as well. Have I mentioned how much we've missed those generous people?!
I headed straight up to my parent's place, then we headed out for some much needed breakfast. A little hot chocolate, and a big plate of eggs benedict, and I was ready to rally!
We spent a few hours relaxing, then headed into Bethlehem where we walked around some shops, ate a late lunch, then headed over to drive around Lehigh for a bit. I directed my parent's through campus, showed them the hall named after my Mom's Grandfather, and enjoyed that Lehigh is just as beautiful as ever!
After that we headed down the hill to Godfrey Daniels, to catch a really wonderful show. We were back to their place just after 11 o'clock, and after almost 40 hours awake, I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow!
The next two days was a mix of reading, eating, relaxing. There were some errands with my Mom thrown in, and a little bit of yoga...
And we just enjoyed each others' company.
Monday it was time to start the trip home. I dropped the car off with the neighbors and walked to the same train station I'd taken to work everyday for 10 years! It was a little surreal. As was my subsequent visit to my old work, and getting to squeeze my Tally-le! It was great to catch up, however quickly, before it was time to hop on the train to the airport.
Monday it was time to start the trip home. I dropped the car off with the neighbors and walked to the same train station I'd taken to work everyday for 10 years! It was a little surreal. As was my subsequent visit to my old work, and getting to squeeze my Tally-le! It was great to catch up, however quickly, before it was time to hop on the train to the airport.
My train ride out was right on time, and my time in the airport went quickly, as I made a friend over some Chickie's & Pete's Crab Fries and a Cheesesteak! The flight itself was a bit bumpy at times, but otherwise easy. A girlfriend picked me up at the airport and I was walking in my door a little after 9, almost exactly 4 days after I left.
Overall, it was such a lovely trip, and only makes me more excited for July!
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~ Meegs