

This isn't our first guest of 2019, but its the first one who was more then just an overnight pop-in. So happy that it was my lady love, my sister from another mister, my Babs.

We've been doing the long-distance bff thing basically since college, so we're pretty used to it now. That said... it was so damn good to have her here! I could hug her! She took my yoga classes! We stayed up too late every night, talking and just being together. 

I already talked about the concert which was just so much fun, but I think one of my favorite parts of her visit was watching my two best girls together. I just adore how they adore each other.

We also got to catch a movie together (for the first time in AGES! - The Intruder - so good, so intense), and we ate So. Much. Amazing. Food!

(Denver-ites - go to Watercourse! Its vegan, which I am not, but we all adored everything we ate, and absolutely plan to go back.) 

It was too quick by the time we dropped her off at the airport, which so many things I still wanted to show her, but it was an amazing visit. 💙

I absolutely cannot wait to have her back again!!

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