Oh Baby, its hot! So hot. Today the high is 99* in the city and with the horrendous amounts of humidity it is going to feel over a 100 for sure. Ugh... so not my kind of weather. I'm going to melt away by the time the heat is supposed to break on Wednesday. I've taken to wearing my hair up on my head like Pebbles (at home and for bed, not all the time)... because hair on the neck is not pleasant right now. Even with the window unit in our bedroom (which Trav installed on Sunday while I was out) it is stuffy and hot in our bedroom, and so hard to sleep.

I'm all about the sundresses right now. Light fabrics. And ponytails. Not to mention moving from one air conditioned area to the next as quickly as possible!
On a nicer note, we had a great weekend!
Friday night was lazy like. But Ro and I met up for a walk at 10:30 on Saturday (already hot as hell!) then I headed home to shower and change, grabbed my boy, some burgers, and some fixings... and off we went to Ro & Pat's lovely Central-Air-outfitted house. We grilled and watched movies/played Wii... and just did our damnedest to stay cool.
Sunday I was up early, couldn't sleep for some reason. It was just Boo the kittie and I...
We watched Little Women until everyone else woke up... then Ro & I headed off for another sweaty, sticky walk. We had a nice brunch when we got back, then Trav and I headed home. I got my boy all settled in with a movie, then headed to JCPenny's to use a coupon (got some more workout shorts) and then to the movies to meet Ro for Sex and the City.
*SPOILER ALERT* (Skip down to the picture if you don't want to see any spoilers!)
I really loved this movie. It made me cry more then once, and cracked me up so many times. It was sweet and funny and painful and just great. Ro's one complaint was that it seemed a little predictable at times, and I can understand why she might say that... people ended up where you wanted them too. But there were definitely things that surprised me, and I like that the ending seemed right.
Parts I loved:
- Carrie and the girls heading to Mexico on Carrie's now not-honeymoon. Highlights... Charlotte's accident!! Killed me, so funny.
- Louise. Just a great character, and someone to keep the energy up when Carrie was (understandably) unable to.
- Big's love letters. So sweet. What he did sucked... but I loved the lengths he was willing to go to prove himself.
Things that surprised me:
- Steve's affair... did not see that one coming!
- Samantha's break up with Smith. I really like them together... but after the initial shock I did seem very fitting. Monogomy is just not Samantha's thing, never was.
Things that made me cry:
- Samantha feeding Carrie in Mexico. Just such a sweet, touching, genuine moment. Loved it.
- Miranda and Steve meeting on the bridge.
All in all I would definitely recommend this movie for any fan of the series. Even if you only occationally watched the show, I think you could still really enjoy this.
*End Spoilers*
So anyway. More weekend stuff.

On another note, Trav hurt himself again. He's already having a rough summer (hopefully this is not a trend!)! Thursday he had a "field day" at work, where they get everyone out of the office to play wiffle ball and frizbee and the like. I think its to keep everyone from getting too antsy with the nice weather. Well, Trav went to catch a ball... stepped wrong on the uneven ground and sprained his ankle! He's been in pain, not really able to put much weight on it and its been swollen. But we weren't too worried until the bruising started:

Well, now I'm at work on the hottest day yet and wasn't planning on leaving, but my sweet as pie coworker decided to give me a pedicure (not herself, but at a place on our block)! So I'm about to eat some lunch, then I'll head out for that. Yipee!
Have a great day and keep cool!!!!!!
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