

I'm wearing a new outfit today, curtesy of my Mother-in-law... a cute green buttondown shirt, and green and white striped capris. Not something I would have necessarily chosen for myself, but its cute and comfortable... plus she's such a doll to have picked it out for me (and know my sizes!), so it made me happy to make her happy by wearing it today.

I'm also wearing 18 rubberbands on my wrist... which is not a fashion statement, but the easiest way for me to make sure that I walk what I'm supposed to walk tonight since I'm doing it on Villanova's track and loop after loop after loop is a bit mind-numbing! Its easy to lose count of where you are and what you have left. My solution... a rubber band for each lap I have to do... which I'll switch from one wrist to the next.

This has been alternately a very expensive week, and a week of free stuff. We've eaten out a few times, but I got free lunch two days and free breakfast one day also. We are paying a few hundred dollars for Trav's surgury (etc) and I spent $110 on three-freakin prescriptions, but we also both got clothes from my MIL and my "work mommy" gave me a pair of cute shoes (these, they are cuter on). We've been really laid back about it all though because what are you going to do? This is why we are so careful with our money normally, so that we have the breathing room when something like this comes up. Still, overall, this week is going really nicely.

Trav was happy last night because he finally got to take off the boot to change the bandage on his ankle... and therefore, he finally got to take a real shower. I played nursemaid, undressing his ankle, helping him adjust the shower and redressing his ankle when he was done. His foot was this interesting purplish color from bruising (I took a picture, not that you want to see it, but forgot my camera today anyway)... besides the color it looks pretty good. Less then a week until he sees the doctor for a follow up... hopefully for good news.

Tonight more walking for me, more relaxing for Trav, and that's about it! Tomorrow we head home for a few nights in our own bed, which is fabu no matter how great the place you're staying is. Summer officially begins on Saturday... and (every way but weather-wise) I'm ready for spring to be over!

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~ Meegs