
for Bill

Not the most productive of days, but that's not what I want to talk about.

I watched the movie "Click" last night for the first time. It made me want to write an entry like the one that Bill wrote today (before I knew that he had written it), but obviously less heart-wrenching because mine would be based off of a movie, and his is based off of a real life loss.

If you haven't seen it... The movie is about a man who is going through a rough patch in life. He wants to skip the day to day hassle and be able to enjoy the fruits of his hard work. He gets a remote that can control his life like a video, but it soon learns his preferences and starts auto-FFing through the parts of life he finds less then pleasing, ones that he realizes he doesn't want to miss. He doesn't get to say goodbye to his father, or see his son fall in love. He loses his wife. It's not until the very end, when he is dying, that he is able to express to his son that family and all the day to day stuggles that go with it, they are the important things.

It's so easy to forget that the simple things we do everyday are the things that really make up life. The big events are the ones that stick out in our minds, but it is the day to day that shape who we are as people... it is the little moments together that you would miss the most, and that in the end, mean the most. It's sad that it takes a big loss to remind us all of that.

I am truly sorry about your friend Bill.

Ps. Responces to yesterday? Anyone? (Thanks Bill and Barry!)

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~ Meegs