Ethan and I think so! :-)
We had a great weekend together. He arrived on Saturday morning, around noon, and I had a batch of mac & yeasty cheese waiting for him. He got lovingly mauled by Daisy who was So. Excited. to see him. It was cute. We went to the dollar store, the WaWa (of which there are woefully none in DC), a Walgreen's, and the Acme to get him odds and ends (plus do our own grocery shopping). We hooked him up with a pot and pan, so he can actually cook some stuff in the common kitchen in his dorm, and a can openner. He had homework, so we had a quiet early evening with Trav and I reading while E worked on a paper. For dinner, I whipped us up some chicken breasts (pan fried in a egg/flour batter), pesto pasta, and corn/peas mix. A hard day... I got two of my favorite meals. ;-) The rest of the evening was spent relaxing, homeworking, talking, and watching some boob tube.
Sunday we got up around 8 so we could get ready in a leisurely manner. E & I hopped the train at quarter to 10, then talked over some Star.bucks in city until heading to his bus which left at 11. It was so great to see my little bro, and I'm already looking forward to our next visit. We talked about me maybe visiting in November, but then we also have Thanksgiving and Christmas to look forward to.
The rest of Sunday was lazy. We had worked on the office some on Saturday morning, and Trav continued working while I cooked lunch and picked up E... but Sunday we just weren't feeling it. We needed a day off since our hands and arms were a bit sore. So we had a day of naps and tv. Sunday night Trav and I headed to Ro & Pat's for some chicken & dumplings and a game night. It was a lot of fun just to hang out with them, snuggle GG, and eat some yummy food together.
Now its back to the grind, which is always hard after a great weekend, but is a bit easier this week because 1) its a short week for both of us and 2) there is so much awesome stuff happening this week! Tuesday (tomorrow) is our anniversary, Thursday we both have half-days because our Big Ultrasound is in the afternoon, and Friday we both have off... and are heading out for our long weekend away in Jim Thorpe! I cannot wait!
In the meantime though, lots of work to do... so off I go!
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