Happy Winter (officially started yesterday you know)!
I can't believe Christmas is so close! Just three more days. :-) I was actually thinking last week that I wasn't sure if we would get a white Christmas this year or not. The weather has been so crazy... warm, then cold, snowing but it doesn't stick. Well, Saturday I drove up to my parent's place for a hair cut... and at first it was just the normal brown/gray landscape that you get this time of year. But then I saw this (ignore the crappy camera phone shots):
When I got home, Trav had gone grocery shopping... and picked up a bag of cranberries. We'd never cooked with them before, but I guess he was inspired after watching the Iron Chef cranberry battle the night before! So he cooked a great london broil with a cranberry reduction on top:

And we drank champagne with a splash of cranberry juice and some whole cranberries:

I also got to open another early Christmas gift... Season 5 of the X-files. We didn't watch the whole thing this weekend, but we definitely put a dent in it! :-)
Sunday I woke up with the intent of going walking with Ro. But instead we decided to hold off since some of that white, wintery look had come down our way in the form of freezing rain (winter certainly made its presence known)! Be careful what you with for... right?!
I did end up walking with Ro later... slowly and carefully!!

Now its back to work. My boss and his wife are away until the new year, on a big trip in Europe (a little jealous!)... so its quiet here. But I should get to it.
On more thing to leave you with before I go: Year in Pictures. I absolutely love when these come out... the pictures are amazing. Some are beautiful, some are devastating/sad, but all are incredible pictures. Check it out.
Okay, off I go!
That would be awesome if we had a white christmas! Although we'll be in VA but that's alright. :) I wish I could cook - I would have loved to make some holiday meals. Then again that does cost money and that in turn is a problem! ha Those pictures were awesome! Thank you for sharing.